Configuration de liphone le profil est introuvable

Dans certains cas, vous devez autoriser votre iPhone à utiliser une application personnalisée qui n'a pas été téléchargée depuis l'Apple App Store.

Table of Contents

  • iOS/iPadOS enrollment errors
  • Sync token errors between Intune and ADE
  • Other errors and issues
  • Verify WS-Trust 1.3 is enabled
  • Workplace Join failed
  • User Name Not Recognized
  • XPC_TYPE_ERROR Connection invalid
  • The configuration for your iPhone/iPad could not be downloaded from <Company Name>: Invalid Profile
  • ADE enrollment doesn't start
  • Authentication doesn’t redirect to the government cloud

  1. 1

    Téléchargez et installez l'application non autorisée. Les apps customisées ou non vérifiées sont créées par les développeurs pour des usages exclusifs au sein d'entreprises, comme une application de gestion de clients ou afin d'être téléchargées directement depuis Internet [1] .

  2. 2

    Ouvrez l'application. Vous allez voir un message d'avertissement « Développeur Entreprise non approuvé » s'afficher sur l'écran.

    • Les apps téléchargées depuis l'App Store sont automatiquement approuvées.
  3. 3

    Appuyez sur Annuler.

  1. 1

    Ouvrez les Paramètres de l'iPhone. Le visuel de l'application est un carré gris avec des engrenages (⚙️) qui est sur votre page d'accueil.

  2. 2

    Appuyez sur Général. C'est la ligne avec un engrenage gris (⚙️) dans l'une des sections au début du menu de la page Paramètres.

  3. 3

    Appuyez sur Profils. Ce sous-menu peut aussi être appelé Gestion des profils et périphériques.

    • Ce sous-menu ne s'affichera pas sur votre iPhone à moins que vous ayez déjà téléchargé et essayé d'ouvrir une application non autorisée.
  4. 4

    Appuyez sur le nom du développeur de l'application. Le profil correspondant au développeur s'affiche dans la section App d'entreprise.

  5. 5

    Appuyez sur Confier en [nom de l'app] tout en haut de l'écran.

  6. 6

    Appuyez sur Confier. Cela permet d'autoriser votre iPhone à ouvrir l'application que vous avez installée et toute autre application que vous téléchargerez et installerez du même développeur dans le futur.


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Catégories: Smartphones sous iOS Apple

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  • Article
  • 06/30/2022
  • 8 minutes to read

This article helps Intune administrators understand and troubleshoot problems when enrolling iOS/iPadOS devices in Intune. See Troubleshoot device enrollment in Microsoft Intune for additional, general troubleshooting scenarios.

iOS/iPadOS enrollment errors

The following table lists errors that end users might see while enrolling iOS/iPadOS devices in Intune.

Error messageIssueResolution
NoEnrollmentPolicy No enrollment policy found The Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) certificate is missing, invalid, or expired. Check that enrollment has been set up correctly and that iOS/iPadOS as a platform is enabled. For instructions, see Set up iOS/iPadOS and Mac device management,Get an Apple MDM push certificate, and Renew Apple MDM push certificate.
DeviceCapReached Too many mobile devices are enrolled already. The user must remove one of their currently enrolled mobile devices from the Company Portal before enrolling another. See detailed instructions here.
Company Portal Temporarily Unavailable The Company Portal app on the device is out of date or corrupted. Remove the app, validate user credentials, and then resinstall the app. See detailed instructions here.
APNSCertificateNotValid There's a problem with the certificate that lets the mobile device communicate with your company's network. The Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) provides a channel to contact enrolled iOS/iPadOS devices. Enrollment will fail and this message will appear if:
  • The steps to get an APNs certificate weren't completed, or
  • The APNs certificate has expired.
Review the information about how to set up users in Sync Active Directory and add users to Intune and organizing users and devices.
AccountNotOnboarded There's a problem with the certificate that lets the mobile device communicate with your company's network. Enrollment will fail and this message will appear if:
  • The steps to get an APNs certificate weren't completed, or
  • The APNs certificate has expired.
Renew the APNs certificate, and then re-enroll the device.
Important: Make sure that you renew the APNs certificate. Don't replace the APNs certificate. If you replace the certificate, you have to re-enroll all iOS/iPadOS devices in Intune. For Intune standalone, see Renew Apple MDM push certificate. For Microsoft 365, see Create an APNs Certificate for iOS devices.
DeviceTypeNotSupported The user might have tried to enroll using a non-iOS device. The mobile device type that you're trying to enroll isn't supported.Confirm that device is running iOS/iPadOS version 8.0 or later. Make sure that your user's device is running iOS/iPadOS version 8.0 or later.
UserLicenseTypeInvalid The device can't be enrolled because the user's account isn't yet a member of a required user group or the user does not have the correct license. Users must have the correct license type for the mobile device management authority. For example, they'll see this error if Intune has been set as the MDM authority, but the user has a System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager license.
Review Set up iOS/iPadOS and Mac management with Microsoft Intune and information about how to set up users in Sync Active Directory and add users to Intune and organizing users and devices.
MdmAuthorityNotDefined The mobile device management authority hasn't been defined. The mobile device management authority hasn't been set in Intune.

Review item #1 in the Step 6: Enroll mobile devices and install an app section in Get started with a 30-day trial of Microsoft Intune.

Sync token errors between Intune and ADE

This section includes token sync errors related to Apple Automated Device Enrollment (ADE):

  • Apple Business Manager (ABM)
  • Apple School Manager (ASM)
Error messageCauseSolution
Expired or invalid token The token may be expired, revoked, or malformed. Expired tokens can be renewed, Invalid token will need to have a new token created in Intune.
The new token can be used on an existing MDM Server in Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager (ABM/ASM): Edit option > MDM Server settings > Upload public key
Access denied Intune can't talk to Apple anymore. For example, Intune has been removed from the MDM server list in ABM/ASM. The token has possibly expired. 1. Verify whether your token has expired, and if a new token was created.
2. Check to see if Intune is in the MDM server list
Terms and conditions not accepted New terms and conditions (T&C) need to be accepted in ABM/ASM. Accept the new T&C in Apple ABM/ASM Portal.
Note: This must be done by a user with the Administrator role in ABM/ASM.
Internal server error Needs further investigation Contact the Intune support team, as additional logs are needed
Invalid support phone number The support phone number is invalid. Edit the support phone number for your profiles.
Invalid configuration profile name The configuration profile name is either invalid, empty, or too long. Edit the name of the profile.
Invalid cursor The cursor was rejected by Apple or not found. Contact the Intune support team. They can retry syncing from the Intune service.
Cursor expired The cursor is expired on Intune's side. Contact the Intune support team. They can retry syncing from the Intune service.
Required cursor The cursor was not initially set by Intune during the sync. Contact the Intune support team to fix the sync and return the cursor.
Apple profile not found Multiple possible causes Create a new profile, and assign the profile to devices.
Invalid department entry The department field entry is invalid Edit the department field for your profiles.

Other errors and issues

This section provides troubleshooting steps for these additional scenarios:

Verify WS-Trust 1.3 is enabled

Enrolling ADE devices with user affinity requires WS-Trust 1.3 Username/Mixed endpoint to be enabled to request user tokens. Active Directory enables this endpoint by default. If WS-Trust 1.3 is not enabled, Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) iOS/iPadOS devices can't be enrolled.

To get a list of enabled endpoints, use the Get-AdfsEndpoint PowerShell cmdlet and looking for the trust/13/UsernameMixed endpoint. For example:

Get-AdfsEndpoint -AddressPath "/adfs/services/trust/13/UsernameMixed"

For more information, see Get-AdfsEndpoint documentation and Best practices for securing Active Directory Federation Services. For help with determining if WS-Trust 1.3 Username/Mixed is enabled in your identity federation provider, contact Microsoft Support if you use AD FS. Otherwise, contact your third-party identity vendor.

Workplace Join failed

This error indicates that the Company Portal app is out of date or corrupted.


  1. Remove the Company Portal app from the device.
  2. Download and install the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app from App Store.
  3. Re-enroll the device.

User Name Not Recognized

The error "User Name Not Recognized. This user account is not authorized to use Microsoft Intune. Contact your system administrator if you think you have received this message in error." indicates that the user who is trying to enroll the device does not have a valid Intune license.

  1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center, and then choose Users > Active Users.
  2. Select the affected user account, and then choose Product licenses > Edit.
  3. Verify that a valid Intune license is assigned to this user.
  4. Re-enroll the device.

XPC_TYPE_ERROR Connection invalid

When you turn on an ADE-managed device that is assigned an enrollment profile, enrollment fails, and you receive the following error message:

asciidoc mobileassetd[83] <Notice>: 0x1a49aebc0 Client connection: XPC_TYPE_ERROR Connection invalid <error: 0x1a49aebc0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x1a49aee18> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" } } iPhone mobileassetd[83] <Notice>: Client connection invalid (Connection invalid); terminating connection iPhone[288] <Notice>: [MobileAssetError:29] Unable to copy asset information from for asset type iPhone mobileassetd[83] <Notice>: 0x1a49aebc0 Client connection: XPC_TYPE_ERROR Connection invalid <error: 0x1a49aebc0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x1a49aee18> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }

Cause: There's a connection issue between the device and the Apple ADE service.

Solution: Fix the connection issue, or use a different network connection to enroll the device. You may also have to contact Apple if the issue persists.

The configuration for your iPhone/iPad could not be downloaded from <Company Name>: Invalid Profile

Cause: The enrollment is blocked by a device type restriction.


  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > Enroll devices > Enrollment restrictions.
  2. Under Device type restrictions, select All Users > Properties.
  3. Select Edit next to the Platform settings.
  4. On the Edit restriction page, select Allow for iOS/iPadOS and proceed to the Review + save page, then select Save.

ADE enrollment doesn't start

When you turn on an ADE-managed device that is assigned an enrollment profile, the Intune enrollment process isn't initiated.

Cause: The enrollment profile is created before the ADE token is uploaded to Intune.


  1. Edit the enrollment profile. You can make any change to the profile. The purpose is to update the modification time of the profile.
  2. Synchronize ADE-managed devices: In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, choose Devices > iOS > iOS enrollment > Enrollment program tokens > choose a token > Sync now. A sync request is sent to Apple.

When you turn on an ADE-managed device that is assigned an enrollment profile, the initial setup sticks after you enter credentials.

Cause: Multi-Factor authentication (MFA) is enabled. Currently MFA doesn't work during enrollment on ADE devices.

Solution: Disable MFA, and then re-enroll the device.

Authentication doesn’t redirect to the government cloud

Government users signing in from another device are redirected to the public cloud for authentication rather than the government cloud.

Cause: Azure AD does not yet support redirecting to the government cloud when signing in from another device.

Solution: Use the iOS Company Portal Cloud setting in the Settings app to redirect government users’ authentication towards the government cloud. By default, the Cloud setting is set to Automatic and Company Portal directs authentication towards the cloud that is automatically detected by the device (such as Public or Government). Government users who are signing in from another device will need to manually select the government cloud for authentication.

Open the Settings app and select Company Portal. In the Company Portal settings, select Cloud. Set the Cloud to Government.

  • Overall Token Sync errors
  • Profile creation errors

Pourquoi je n'arrive pas à configurer mon iPhone ?

Si vous ne parvenez toujours pas à activer votre iPhone ou votre iPad, réessayez à l'aide de votre ordinateur : Assurez-vous de disposer de la dernière version de macOS ou la dernière version d'iTunes. Vérifiez que votre appareil est connecté à Internet.

Où se trouve le profil sur iPhone ?

Vous pouvez consulter les profils que vous avez installés dans Réglages > Général > Gestion des profils et de l'appareil. Si vous supprimez un profil, tous les réglages, apps et données associés à ce profil sont également supprimés.

Comment refaire la configuration de l'iPhone ?

Réinitialiser votre iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch avec les réglages d'origine.
Touchez Réglages > Général > Transférer ou Réinitialiser l'[Appareil] ... .
Saisir votre code d'accès ou le mot de passe associé à votre identifiant Apple, si vous y êtes invité ... .
Attendre que les données de votre appareil soient effacées..

Comment installer un profil sur un iPhone ?

Pour installer le profil, procédez comme suit : Ouvrez l'app Réglages. Touchez Profil téléchargé ou S'inscrire à [nom de l'organisation]. Touchez Installer dans l'angle supérieur droit, puis suivez les instructions à l'écran.